
DB 모니터링

초록깨비 2009. 2. 13. 14:29

set veri off
set echo off
set feedback off
set pagesize 100
set linesize 150

clear columns;
column output_name new_value output_name noprint;

select ''||host_name||'_'||instance_name||'_monitoring_'||to_char(sysdate, 'YYYYMMDD')||'_ORIGINAL.html' output_name
from v$instance;

/* instance Infomation */

set markup html on spool on

spool &output_name

prompt  Oracle Instance Information

prompt      Purpose - 대상 데이터베이스 인스턴스의 기본정보를 확인한다.

set pages 40
set line 132
col host format a20

select name "DB Name",  instance_number "Inst ID", instance_name "Inst Name",
      host_name "Host", version "Version", sysdate "점검일",
      parallel "Parallel", log_mode "Log Mode", archiver "Archiver"
from v$instance, v$database
prompt Current Session Count
prompt      Purpose - 대상 데이타베이스에 접속되어 있는 모든 Session과 현재 작업중인 Session의 수를 확인한다.

select to_char(sysdate,'yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss') "Time",
 count(*) "Total Sessions",
 count(decode(status, 'ACTIVE',1) ) "Active Sessions"
from v$session
prompt               BUFFER CACHE TUNING 
select 1 - (phy.value - lob.value - dir.value)
     / ses.value "CACHE HIT RATIO"
     from v$sysstat ses, v$sysstat lob,
          v$sysstat dir, v$sysstat phy
     where = 'session logical reads'
     and = 'physical reads direct'
     and = 'physical reads direct (lob)'
     and = 'physical reads';
prompt                LIBRARY CACHE TUNING                

select to_char(trunc(sum(reloads)/sum(pins)*100,5) , 99.99999 ) ||
       '% (less than 1%)' "LIBRARY CACHE MISS RATIO"
       from v$librarycache;
prompt             DICTIONARY CACHE TUNING         

select trunc(sum(getmisses)/sum(gets)*100,5)||'%  (LESS THAN 9.8%)'
       from v$rowcache;

prompt            Shared Pool의 사용 상태             

PROMPT * Shared Pool Free Memory - Percentage of free space in the SGA shared pool area.

select round((sum(decode(name, 'free memory', bytes, 0)) / sum(bytes)) * 100,2)
from v$sgastat;
set serveroutput on
col messes format 999,999
col gets  format 999,999,999



SELECT name, value
 WHERE name IN ('sorts (memory)', 'sorts (disk)');

prompt  Sum of max(peak) pga, uga session memory

select 'Max(peak) PGA, UGA session memory SUM:' as sum,
sum(decode(, 'session pga memory max', trunc(value/1000), 0))||'K' pga_m_sum,
sum(decode(, 'session uga memory max', trunc(value/1000), 0))||'K' uga_m_sum
from v$session a, v$sesstat b, v$statname c
where a.sid = b.sid
and b.statistic# = c.statistic#
and like 'session%';
show parameter pga


COLUMN tablespace_name FORMAT A20
COLUMN name            FORMAT A30

SELECT tablespace_name, name, phyrds, phywrts
  FROM V$DATAFILE df, V$FILESTAT fs, dba_data_files fl
 WHERE df.file# = fs.file#
   AND df.file# = fl.file_id;

prompt       Tablespace extent or segment management 

SELECT tablespace_name, extent_management, allocation_type,  segment_space_management
FROM dba_tablespaces;

prompt             REDO LOG FILES WAIT RATIO         

select name, value
       from v$sysstat
       where name in ('redo buffer allocation retries', 'redo entries');

select r.value "Retried", e.value "Entries",
  r.value / e.value * 100 "Percentage"
from v$sysstat r, v$sysstat e
where = 'redo buffer allocation retries'
and = 'redo entries';
prompt         Wait Event   

col event format a20

select event, total_timeouts, average_wait from v$system_event where rownum < 6 order by 2;

select /*+ ordered / distinct /* 속도를 위해 v$sql을 조인할 경우 중복되는 레코드 제거 */
           s.sid SID, s.username, s.program, p.spid "OS-Pid",w.seconds_in_wait as "W_time(Sec)",
          decode(w.wait_time,0,'Wai-ting', 'Waited') Status, w.ename event,
--              p1text || ':' || decode(event,'latch free',p1raw, to_char(p1)) ||','||
--              p2text || ':' || to_char(p2) ||','|| p3text || ':' || to_char(p3) "Additional Info",
from ( select a.*, decode(a.event,'latch free', 'latch free (' ||||')',
                                         'row cache lock', 'row cache lock (' || c.parameter || ')',
                                         'enqueue', 'enqueue ('||chr(bitand(p1, -16777216)/16777215)||
                                                decode(bitand(p1,65535), 1, 'N', 2, 'SS',3,'SX',4,'S',5,'SSX',6,'X') ||')',
                              a.event ) ename
           from v$session_wait a, v$latchname b, v$rowcache c
         where a.p2 = b.latch#(+) and a.p1 = c.cache#(+) and c.type(+) = 'PARENT'
           and a.event not in ('rdbms ipc message','smon timer','pmon timer','slave wait','pipe get','null event',
                                     'SQL*Net message from client', 'SQL*Net message to client','PX Idle Wait',
                                      'PX Deq: Execution Msg', 'KXFQ: kxfqdeq - normal deqeue',
                                         'ges remote message', 'wakeup time manager', /* idle event 적절히 수정 */
                                         'lock manager wait for remote message', 'single-task message')
        ) w, v$session s, v$process p, v$sql q
where w.sid = s.sid and s.paddr = p.addr
and s.sql_hash_value = q.hash_value(+) and s.sql_address = q.address(+)
order by w.ename;

prompt Invalid Object Count

prompt      Purpose - 오브젝트의 유형별로 Invalid상태인 오브젝트의 수를 점검한다.

 object_type "Object Type",
 count(*) "Invalid Count"
 from dba_objects
 where status  = 'INVALID'
group by object_type

prompt Resource Limit

prompt      Purpose - 데이타베이스의 시스템리소스의 할당내역과 소모현황을 확인한다.

select RESOURCE_NAME "Resource Name",
       CURRENT_UTILIZATION "Current Util",
       MAX_UTILIZATION "Max Util",
       INITIAL_ALLOCATION "Initial Alloc",
       LIMIT_VALUE "Limit"
from v$resource_limit

prompt Redo Buffer Contention

prompt      Purpose - Redo Log Buffer에 대한 경합상태를 확인한다.

select round(sum(decode(name, 'redo buffer allocation retries', value))/sum(decode(name, 'redo entries', value)),5)
      "Redo Buffer Space Wait(%%)",
      sum(decode(name, 'redo log space requests', value)) "Redo Space Reqeusts"
from v$sysstat

prompt Redo Log Switch Time Interval

prompt      Purpose - Redo Log Switch의 Time Interval을 확인한다. 

select /*+ use_hash(a b) */ a.thread#, to_char(a.first_time,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24') "Time",
        round(avg(trunc((a.first_time - b.first_time)*24*60,3)),2) "Interval(Min)"
       (select thread#, sequence#, first_time  from v$loghist where first_time  > sysdate -3) a,
       (select thread#, sequence#, first_time  from v$loghist where first_time  > sysdate -3) b
where a.thread# = b.thread#
        and a.sequence# = b.sequence# + 1
group by a.thread#, to_char(a.first_time,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24')

prompt Objects With Too Many Extents

prompt      Purpose - 데이타베이스 내에 Extent가 많이 발생한 Object을 확인한다.

col owner format a10
col "Segment" format a30
col "Tablespace" format a20

select owner,
       segment_name "Segment",
       segment_type "Type",
       tablespace_name "Tablespace",
       round(bytes/1024/1024,2) "Size(MB)",
       extents  "Extents",
       round(initial_extent/1024/1024,2) "Initial(MB)",
       round(next_extent/1024/1024,2) "Next(MB)"
from dba_segments
where owner != 'SYS'
 and extents > 50
order by extents desc

prompt Tablespace Usage and Fragmentation

prompt      Purpose - 테이블 스페이스의 사용현황과 Fragmentation을 점검한다

select df.tablespace_name "Tablespace",
        round(df.TBS_byte /1048576,2) "Total(MB)",
        round((df.TBS_byte - fs.Free_byte)/1048576,2) "Used(MB)",
        round(fs.Free_byte /1048576,2) "Free(MB)",
        round((fs.Free_byte/df.TBS_byte) *100,0) "Free(%%)",
        fs.pieces "Pieces",
        round(fs.Max_free /1048576,2) "MaxFree(MB)"
from   ( select tablespace_name, sum(bytes) TBS_byte
         from dba_data_files group by tablespace_name ) df,
        ( select tablespace_name, max(bytes) Max_free, sum(bytes) Free_byte, count(*) pieces
         from dba_free_space group by tablespace_name ) fs,
        ( select tablespace_name, initial_extent, next_extent
         from dba_tablespaces ) db
where df.tablespace_name = db.tablespace_name
 and   df.tablespace_name = fs.tablespace_name(+)
order by 5

prompt Rollback Segment Hit Ratio

prompt      Purpose - Rollback Segment의 Hit Ratio를 확인한다

select name "Rollback Segment",
     rssize "Rsize", writes "Writes", xacts "Xacts", status "Status",
     waits "Waits", gets "Gets",
     decode(gets,0,-1, trunc((1-(waits/gets))*100, 5)) "Hit ratio"
from v$rollstat, v$rollname
where v$rollstat.usn = v$rollname.usn
order by waits/gets desc

prompt SQLs by cached time

prompt      Purpose - 캐쉬기간에 따른 SQL 갯수와 평균 실행 횟수를 파악한다.

select substr(cache_time,3) "Cached time", count(*) "SQL Count", round(avg(exec)) "Avg Exec Count"
    ( select decode(sign(1-(sysdate-to_date(first_load_time,'yyyy-mm-dd/hh24:mi:ss'))*24*60),1,'1         00 ~ 01 (min)',
     decode(sign(5-(sysdate-to_date(first_load_time,'yyyy-mm-dd/hh24:mi:ss'))*24*60),1,'2  01 ~ 05 (min)',
     decode(sign(10-(sysdate-to_date(first_load_time,'yyyy-mm-dd/hh24:mi:ss'))*24*60),1,'3  05 ~ 10 (min)',
     decode(sign(30-(sysdate-to_date(first_load_time,'yyyy-mm-dd/hh24:mi:ss'))*24*60),1,'4         10 ~ 30 (min)',
     decode(sign(60-(sysdate-to_date(first_load_time,'yyyy-mm-dd/hh24:mi:ss'))*24*60),1,'5  30 ~ 60 (min)',
     decode(sign(60*2-(sysdate-to_date(first_load_time,'yyyy-mm-dd/hh24:mi:ss'))*24*60),1,'6  01 ~ 02 (hour)',
     decode(sign(60*12-(sysdate-to_date(first_load_time,'yyyy-mm-dd/hh24:mi:ss'))*24*60),1,'7  02 ~ 12 (hour)',
     decode(sign(60*24-(sysdate-to_date(first_load_time,'yyyy-mm-dd/hh24:mi:ss'))*24*60),1,'8  12 ~ 24 (hour)','9         24 ~     (hour)')))))))) cache_time
     , executions exec
from v$sql
where parsing_user_id > 0 and child_number = 0
group by cache_time

prompt Chained Row Ratio    

prompt      Purpose - Chained Row를 Access한 비율을 확인한다.

SELECT sum(decode(name,'table fetch continued row',value,0)) "Chained row Access",
  sum(decode(name,'table fetch by rowid',value,0)) "Index Access",
  sum(decode(name,'table scan rows gotten',value,0)) "Table Scan Access",
  round(sum(decode(name,'table fetch continued row',value,0)) /
  (sum(decode(name,'table fetch by rowid',value,0)) + sum(decode(name,'table scan rows gotten',value,0))) * 100,5) "Ratio"
FROM v$sysstat

prompt Costomer Confirmation

col Company format a20
col Department format a20
col Respon. format a10
col Sign format a10
select null "Company", null "Department", null "Respon.", null "Name", null "Sign" from dual;
spool off

